This is so crazy!!! This is my last email until I see you again. I feel like the transfer just started! I have heard other missionaries (and Dad) say that the last few transfers went by super fast and I was like… ya, that's just the cliche thing to say... but it's the truth!!!! I still don't really feel like I'm leaving but I know I am but it's just a really strange feeling. Jake got baptized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so exciting!!!! We met with him a few times before Saturday and on Monday, he had smoked again and he was like "it's just a habit when I'm in traffic on the way home from work" sooo firstly we asked if we could take his cigarettes and he willingly gave them to us and we broke them and then we knew that he loves Oreos so we bought a big pack of Oreos and put them in the back of his truck with a note so that he would eat those on the way home instead of smoke and he hasn't smoked since!!! Later in the week, the Sylvesters had him over for dinner and a lesson and we talked about the priesthood and how he can hold it shortly after he is baptized and it went really well. We told him that the more good decisions he makes, the more he might notice it is harder to make them because Satan will try to tempt him. He said he had already felt that but that he is doing his best to turn away from any temptations and praying. So. . .Saturday, Jake got baptized!!!!!! His Mom and sister came and so did President and Sister Morgan and the whole Relief Society room was filled with ward members. Some really great talks were shared and the spirit was definitely there. After he was baptized, he gave 2 thumbs up and he looked so happy. While him and Bro. Sylvester were changing, we had made these little cards for everyone to write a note or their testimony for Jake and we are putting them in a book like you would put photos in and we are going to give it to him this week. Yesterday, he got confirmed and he just looked SOO happy! It's amazing. He even showed up with his tithing yesterday without anyone really saying anything about it. It's just so cool to see how much he has changed and how much his life he has changed to join the church. He has had a few friends ask him why he is going to church and other comments like that and he has stuck up for what he knows is true which is cool to hear from him. He is so great!!!! This week we are teaching him about the Temple so he can do baptisms for the dead in a couple weeks. Another really cool thing is that part of his family history is done back to the 1600's and so he can do all those names in the Temple. Oh! And before I forget; so he walked into the Stake Center and he was like "I have been here before... I don't remember why or when but I have been here before." Long story short.... Jake is baptized and he is amazing!!!!!
Anyway, I guess I will tell you about the rest of my week! On the 4th we had Zone service in the morning and we went to this members' house in a different ward and dug a ditch for a pipe, painted, and did some other stuff, ate lunch and had fun! We were allowed to listen to patriotic music on the 4th so that was fun too. The Elders made us a copy of a CD a member made for them and it was mostly country songs which aren't really my favorite but honestly anything is better than Mormon Tabernacle Choir at this point. We had to have our cars parked by5:00 and the majority of our ward went out of town for the 4th soo Sister Felt and I had nothing to do really. So we parked our car at 5 and walked over an hour away to Target and bought some stuff to make cookies and Jakes' baptism and it was actually really fun!
On Saturday we had a lesson with Audre and guess what???? 2 things: 1. she turns 18 on August 15th and 2. SHE'S GETTING BAPTIZED IN AUGUST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited for her and she's really excited too.
It's seriously so crazy to me that I'm on my last week!!! You have no idea how glad I am that I decided to go on a mission. I for real wish I could just force everyone to go. It's amazing!!! Not only do you really gain a testimony and learn more about the Savior and what we believe but the majority of your energy is focused on other people and helping them learn the same things and you just get a ton of new best friends all over the place and see how their lives change!! The light of Christ really shines through people when they start to recognize the gospel is true. It's like a whole different kind of joy that you feel being here. I don't even know how to explain it! It's hard sometimes and can get discouraging but anything that requires work is worth more in the end and you appreciate it. I know this Church is true and that it has the same truths that Christ put on the earth originally and I am so grateful for it!! Thanks for being so supportive - you have no idea how much I appreciate your letters and the time that you put into everything. You guys are the best!!!! I can't wait to see you!!!!
Anyway, I hope you all have a super fabulous day and week!!!!!!!!!!! I MISS YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH AND I LOVE YOU BUNCHES AND BUNCHES AND BUNCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!